Donations to our 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization are tax-deductible, and any amount is greatly appreciated! You can contribute via credit card or PayPal by clicking on the Donate button below, or make your check or money order payable to SD Gunner Fund and send to:
The SD Gunner Fund
Our IRS tax number is:
Did you know that by shopping online, you can support SD Gunner Fund without spending one extra cent? If you are an Amazon shopper, use AmazonSmiles instead. It’s the exact same Amazon and the exact same prices, just through a special link that enables Amazon to donate a percentage of the purchase to SD Gunner Fund.
We also use other online shopping portals like, which also gives you access to all of the most popular online stores for everything from clothing to toys to flowers to technology to travel. Each time you use the portal, a percentage of your purchase is donated to SD Gunner Fund – without any additional cost to you! To make it even easier, you can download the iGive button to your browser, and all your online purchases will be credited automatically!
Make AmazonSmiles and your shopping portals today, and shop with the confidence of knowing you are supporting our military families.
SD Gunner Fund is always in need of donated professional services! Check out our wish list below for ideas.